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Bad guys

Bad guys

by digby

Howie sez:

Looking For A Villain? Try Fred Upton (R-MI)

Upton is the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and he’s the power behind HR 3035, the Mobile Informational Call Act of 2011. Upton has opposed every consumer protection bill that has come along and the collection agencies and other disreputable characters behind this one know Upton is their man. The corporations Upton is working with the push this bill forward include American Bankers Association, ACA International, Air Transport Association, Consumer Bankers Association, Coalition of Higher Education Assistance Organizations, Edison Electric Institute, Education Finance Council, Financial Services Roundtable, Housing Policy Council, Mortgage Bankers Association, National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO), National Council of Higher Education Loan Program, Student Loan Servicing Alliance, Student Loan Servicing Alliance Private Loan Committee, The Clearing House, and, of course, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. In case you are intereste din sending Upton a message you don’t approve of this law, you can contribute to the progressive Democrat running against him in his Michigan district, John Waltz. And you can do that right here on the main Blue America page. Waltz vehemently opposes this invasion of privacy.

Don’t even bother to read this absurd Politico piece asserting that the corrupt Upton is some sort of moderate because he’s not “thoroughly investigating” Solyndra.

Solyndra is like chocolate. (They think Whitewater.) They’re saving a piece for later.


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