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Blue Dogs Rule

Blue Dogs Rule

by digby

Yesterday I wondered why the Democrats were being so complacent about climate change denialism considering that they weren’t even getting much of a share of the petrobucks that were funding the Tea Party and waddaya know? Here’s a front page NY Times story on none other than Oklahoma Democrat Dan Boren, who is apparently huffing natural gas profits like it’s no tomorrow.

Boren is, of course, one of the Bluest Dogs in congress, as right wing and intractable as his daddy was in the Senate. (Daddy’s raking in big bucks from oil and gas companies too.) So perhaps the Democrats’ willingness to help the Republicans destroy the planet does make sense after all. They seem to believe that they need to hang on to every last Blue Dog (some would call them moles or infiltrators) and in order to do that they must be given their way. All it takes is one.

If you want to know what’s wrong with our politics read the whole article on Boren. He is totally corrupt.


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