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Flip Floppers by David Atkins

Flip floppers

by David Atkins

For what it’s worth, it’s important to remember that it’s not just progressives who are frustrated with politicians who don’t stand firm on the principles they share:

Republicans may be enthusiastic about beating President Barack Obama, but a GOP focus group shows they are less enthusiastic about the candidates they’re fielding against him.

A focus group of 12 GOP primary voters conducted in northern Virginia–a battleground state–showed that GOP voters have not warmed up to Mitt Romney, are worried about Newt Gingrich’s volatility, and have all but dismissed the candidacy of Herman Cain. What’s more, they see their two frontrunners as suffering from the same potentially deadly problem: a penchant to flip flop…

While these voters admired Romney’s business acumen, they were critical of what they see as a candidate who changes his views on issues like abortion and same-sex marriage–and jeopardizes his credibility as a result. Some described him as a “problem solver,” who has “good experience.” Yet others saw a politician who is “wishy-washy,” and “manufactured…”

The good news for Romney is that Gingrich has received the same criticism for flipping on issues like global warming, health care and Libya policy–and that did not escape some in the group. The real worry was that someone who does not stick with his views would be less able to convincingly take on Obama.

If President Obama were running against a generic Republican in 2012, he probably wouldn’t stand much of a chance. Fortunately, he’s going up against actual flesh-and-blood Republicans. People who look pretty horrible not only to most Democrats and independents, but to many Republicans as well.

In case you missed it, here’s the DNC’s great video on Mitt Romney:

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