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“I will be that spokesman”

“I will be that spokesman”

by digby

Regardless of how you might feel about Bill Maher, what he says here is absolutely correct:

This is Bill Maher, on “Why Alan Grayson Should Be in Congress.”

Because we lost him once, and we can’t afford to lose him again.

We lost Anthony Weiner — but not for the same reason. I’d like to make that point again.

But Weiner was the only other Democrat who really said those kinds of things that make us liberals stand up and cheer.

And Grayson’s got BIG ONES, which is what we need.

We need someone to yank the debate back to what the center should be.

And that is Mr. Alan Grayson.

So please, Mr. Alan Grayson, run for Congress.

Run for the House.

Run for the Senate.

Someday, run for the White House. In my fantasies.


Bill Maher

Here’s what he’s talking about:

Grayson’s doing a money bomb today. You can send him a little love here.
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