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Rick Perry, man of the left?

Rick Perry, man of the left?

by digby

The Cain campaign has blamed Rick Perry for leaking this sexual harrassment information and stands by it.

Herman Cain insisted today that Rick Perry’s campaign leaked sexual harassment allegations against him to the media, even after his chief of staff appeared to soften that claim earlier today.

“I don’t see another way it could’ve come out,” Cain said in an unannounced radio interview with conservative commentator Sean Hannity. ”There aren’t enough bread crumbs that we can lay down that leads us anywhere else at this point in time.”
Perry’s chief of staff, Mark Block, on Wednesday accused Curt Anderson, a Perry staffer who worked as a consultant on Cain’s 2004 failed Senate campaign, of wrongdoing and demanded an apology from the Texas governor. Anderson denied the charge on national TV.

Today, Block seemed to take a different approach, although in a confusing way.
“I will stand behind what we said yesterday and was, again, thrilled that Mr. Anderson said it didn’t come from him,” Mark Block said on Fox News today.


Wow. I knew Perry was considered an apostate because he doesn’t hate Hispanics quite enough for the Tea Party, but this seems a little bit extreme.


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