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Sub-humans R Us

Sub-humans R Us

by digby

Here’s yet another story about dirty hippies befouling the environment. This time, aside from the usual defecating all over the place, they’re accused of being sexed crazed beasts jerking off in public:

Once again, I feel the need to point out that members of the Tea Party never did anything like this.

Occupy Madison has temporarily been denied an extension in their protesting permit because members of the movement violated “public health and safety conditions.” The group also did not properly fill out the form.

City officials cited several specific reasons for their decision. The most notable was repeated complains from a nearby hotel, which stated that protesters were “publicly masturbating” in full view of passersby.

The city also cited health violations because the group had “no restrooms,” implying that the protesters may have been defecating in public as well.

Yes, that’s what it implies. Of course it does.

Here’s a picture of some of the animals in question:

It’s ironic that the people who carried signs showing the president as an ape are now calling the Occupy protesters sub-humans who defecate in public. Oh wait, that isn’t ironic at all.


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