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Scared — Eric Cantor afraid to face the music


by digby

Another Republican bravely faced the Occupy Wall Street protesters today offering his speech a about income inequality to a throng of people who disagree with him:

Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) praised the protesters from the stage for “fighting on the fighting lines of what we know is a battle for our democracy.” After his speech, he told TWI that the protests represented an “awakening in America.”

“People are beginning to wake up and see a country they don’t really recognize,” said Cantor.

Oh wait. That was Cantor talking about the Tea Party at the Values Voter summit back in 2009. This is what happened today:

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) has abruptly canceled a speech planned for this afternoon at the University of Pennsylvania that was meant to lay out the GOP’s plans to address income inequality. While the university gave no reason for the cancellation, CNN is reporting that Cantor canceled after the university decided to make the speech open to the public. Cantor had signed up for a “selected audience.” The speech was seen as a response to the 99 Percent movement, and Occupy Philadelphia had organized a march from City Hall to the school.

It’s a terrible thing to allow the rabble to attend a speech defending the malefactors of great wealth. What’s next? Democracy?


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