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Wall Street Hippies

Wall Street Hippies

by digby

Keith Olbermann had a good segment last night on the police brutality at Occupy Wall Street.

On Monday, the Air Line Pilots Association, which represents United pilots, sued the company in federal court, alleging that “revised operating procedures” in relation to the merger are “inadequate to maintain the levels of safety” United passengers expect. The union is asking to postpone the airline’s implementation of its latest phase of postmerger training.

United said the suit is an attempt by the pilots union to tilt current negotiations for a new contract toward the aviators’ interest, according to internal correspondence between the company and the union. It said the complaint “is entirely without merit.”

The suit “is a shameful effort to influence negotiations for a joint collective bargaining agreement, under a false guise of safety,” the company said. Pilots from United and Continental, which both are represented by separate branches of the ALPA, are scheduled Tuesday to protest what they see as the slow pace of labor negotiations. Safety concerns aren’t expected to be voiced in that venue. The pilots are planning a rally outside the New York Stock Exchange to send a message that some of the merger synergies investors want to see won’t be realized until the carriers’ work forces are combined.

I wonder if the police will pepper spray these guys?

Update: This is worth watching too:

h/t to AJC and SM

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