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Popular Cuts

Popular Cuts

by digby

Per Bloomberg’s poll this morning:

I am going to mention some changes that could be made to decrease the deficit. For each, please tell me if you favor or oppose the change.

Reduce Social Security benefits for high-income earners — Favor:64%

Repeal the tax cuts for households earning more than $250,000 a year — Favor: 54%

Raise the amount of salary subject to Social Security tax beyond the current limit of about $107,000 — Favor: 52%

Gradually increase the Social Security retirement age to 69 — Favor: 49%

Eliminate all tax deductions, including the home mortgage deduction, in return for lower tax rates for every tax bracket — Favor: 48%

Let tax cuts for all taxpayers expire as scheduled and return rates to previous levels — Favor: 48%

Cut defense weapons systems and reduce the number of armed forces personnel — Favor: 41%

Replace Medicare with a system in which government vouchers would help participants pay for their own health insurance — Favor: 37%

Increase co-pays for Medicare recipients — Favor: 33%

Decrease the amount paid to hospitals and doctors who provide Medicare services — Favor: 30%

Cut benefits by slowing the rate of automatic cost-of-living increases for Social Security payments — Favor: 29%

Cut Medicaid, which is government help for medical care for low income people — Favor: 21%

Just saying.


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