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Becoming a hippie

Becoming a hippie

by digby

Ok, the world has officially gone mad:

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You’ve probably guessed who the singer songwriter of this stirring anti-war song is by now:

The host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” and former Florida congressman, Scarborough is no John Mellencamp and he’s certainly not the Dixie Chicks — he’s a Republican, after all. Yet the host, also a songwriter and Beatles fan, told The Huffington Post that his new song, “Reason to Believe,” has a purpose that would have resonated with earlier critics of Vietnam.

“It’s critical that we remember the heroes of 9/11 and those who are still fighting in an endless war,” Scarborough said. “They need to come home. It’s time.”

The music video, released by Sony Records and put together by JAM, the production company of Scarborough and his MSNBC cohost, Mika Brzezinski, opens with a woman answering the phone in her house and getting word that someone — presumably her husband and the father of the young girl shown next to her — was killed in the twin towers.

“In the flash of an hour / Watching dreams fall from towers / All I once knew came tumbling down,” Scarborough sings. About halfway through the video, the focus shifts from the terrorist attacks to the march to war.

The catchy tune and Americana visuals can’t hide the searing lyrics as Scarborough laments the bloodshed of the last 10 years: “In an endless war / Tell me please how many more have to die / Before my sweet boy comes home.”

It’s tempting to make fun of this, but I’m going to restrain myself. As I watched the video I realized that we are seeing more conservative apostates than at any time I can remember. It’s not common. In my experience people get money, get success and social standing and they almost always go the other way.

Welcome to the reality based community Joe.

h/t to RP

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