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Out of the mouths of drooling wingnuts

Out of the mouths of drooling wingnuts

by digby

…sometimes spills what they truly think:

Conservative columnist Matthew Vadum is just going to come right out and say it: registering the poor to vote is un-American and “like handing out burglary tools to criminals.”

“It is profoundly antisocial and un-American to empower the nonproductive segments of the population to destroy the country — which is precisely why Barack Obama zealously supports registering welfare recipients to vote,” Vadum, the author of a book published by World Net Daily that attacks the now-defunct community organizing group ACORN, writes in a column for the American Thinker.

“Encouraging those who burden society to participate in elections isn’t about helping the poor,” Vadum writes. “It’s about helping the poor to help themselves to others’ money. It’s about raw so-called social justice. It’s about moving America ever farther away from the small-government ideals of the Founding Fathers.”

He isn’t wrong about some of the Founding Fathers’ thought on the subject. But it wasn’t exactly about small government ideals:

Those who own the country ought to govern it. — John Jay

The question is just who the “owners” are today and I would suggest that an awful lot of these Tea Partiers would be quite surprised to learn they aren’t actually among them.


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