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Alternate universe

Alternate Universe

by digby
There are so many jokes I could make about this, but I think it speaks for itself:

Setting aside the silliness of the ad, when you listen to what he’s saying you can see a very defined, explicit worldview that is at seriously odds with reality. And millions of people think this way. The problem with our politics isn’t just corruption, although that lies at the heart of it. It’s important to acknowledge that a whole lot of our fellow Americans believe very, different things than we do and the fight we are having is real and substantial. Fixing the money in politics problem will help stabilize it, but unraveling the rightwing propaganda that’s been pumped into this populace over the past 30 years must be at the top of the list as well. We will always have disagreements with conservatives. But this is bizarroworld, know-nothingism. Different animal (so to speak.)


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