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Straight to hell

Straight to hell

by digby

It sure looks like somebody really wants Mitt Romney to get the nomination:

Karl Rove called the notion that the U.S. is Christian “offensive” on Fox News last night. “We are based on the Judeo-Christian ethic, we derive a lot from it, but if you say we’re a Christian nation, what about the Jews, what about the Muslims, what about the non-believers?” Rove said the president, in one of his books, inaccurately quoted Rove as calling the U.S a “Christian nation,” a misquote he was clearly offended by.

I’m not saying that, by the way, because Mormonism is “weird” or that it’s not Christian. I’m saying it because Rove is indirectly appealing to Republicans who are not members of the Christian Right Tea Party to come out and vote for the one guy who isn’t speaking in tongues on the campaign trail. Rove would not say this out of turn.

I’m also guessing that there’s quite a bit of bad Texas blood at play here between the Bushes and Rick Perry. (He went after Perry for his remark about Bernanke and he could have easily swept it under the rug.) The twitter was all atwitter yesterday with word that Rove and Ailes were keeping their fingers crossed for Christie to change his mind, ostensibly because the “business wing” and Rove and Ailes are desperately looking for a white knight. Personally, I think either Romney or Perry will do as they’re told, but maybe the big money Boyz are worried they can’t get elected.

In any case, it’s fun watching the Republicans fight amongst themselves for once. I can’t wait until the primary really heats up.

Update: Be sure to check out Tom Tomorrow if you haven’t already.


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