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Boycotting OFA by David Atkins

Boycotting OFA

by David Atkins (“thereisnospoon”)

The Obama Administration’s cold war on the progressive base is getting hot. Here’s what OFA New Mexico Director sent to their email list:

Paul Krugman is a political rookie. At least he is when compared to President Obama. That’s why he unleashed a screed as soon as word came about the debt ceiling compromise between President Obama and Congressional leaders – to, you know, avert an economic 9/11. Joining the ideologue spheres’ pure, fanatic, indomitable hysteria, Krugman declares the deal a disaster – both political and economic – of course providing no evidence for the latter, which I find curious for this Nobel winning economist. He rides the coattails of the simplistic argument that spending cuts – any spending cuts – are bad for a fragile economy, ignoring wholeheartedly his own revious cheerleading for cutting, say, defense spending. But that was back in the day – all the way back in April of this year. […]

No, the loudest screeching noise you hear coming from Krugman and the ideologue Left is, of course, Medicare. Oh, no, the President is agreeing to a Medicare trigger!!! Oh noes!!! Everybody freak out right now! But let’s look at the deal again, shall we? […]

Now let’s get to the fun part: the triggers. The more than half-a-trillion in defense and security spending cut “trigger” for the Republicans will hardly earn a mention on the Firebagger Lefty blogosphere. Hell, it’s a trigger supposedly for the Republicans, and of course, there’s always It’sNotEnough-ism to cover it.

Given that Obama’s approval rating among self-described liberals is an anemic 72%, I don’t really see how this helps at all.

Paul Krugman is one of the most respected and intelligent figures on the Left. He had Obama pegged far earlier than most others did, as essentially no different in his neoliberal ideology from Bill and Hillary Clinton. Many of us wanted to believe he would be different from Clinton, but Krugman saw it early. He is also an extremely intelligent economic Nobel Laureate with double the intelligence and economic knowledge of a Tim Geithner or Larry Summers (actually, make that probably triple the intelligence in Summers’ case.)

The 28% of liberals who are annoyed with Obama aren’t just any 28%, either. They’re folks like me: people who are most passionate about politics and liberal causes. The sorts of people who make up the core of the volunteer base. The sorts of people who are dedicated enough to force GOP politicians into major gaffes.

OFA called me for fundraising yesterday. I respectfully declined, as I’m focused on progressive Democratic candidates who I know will stand up for my values. But yesterday I was open to giving to OFA, as I donate monthly to my state and local Democratic Party.

Today? I am encouraging all my friends to boycott OFA until this person is fired, and a public apology is made to Paul Krugman. Dismissing the most active 28% of the progressive base as well as our best and most influential pundit so blithely deserves the strongest possible rebuke.

I and others like me can focus our time and attention on state and local politics. If this is the official view of the Obama campaign, then they can count me out.

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