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Cook upholds Cokie’s Law

Cook upholds Cokie’s law

by digby

For a perfect example of Cokie’s Law, go to about 3:55 on this video and watch Charlie Cook explain that Michele Bachmann trafficking in lies is perfectly normal and no cause for concern:

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Mitchell: at the same time Bachmann did she show some real problems being able to handle the economic questions. She really doubled down on the default of being against the debt ceiling raising and default isn’t that big an issue we could have handled it. Let’s see for a second the way she handled it with Lester Holt on the “Today” show.

Bachmann: You cannot turn the economy around if you give Barack Obama a blank check for $2.4 trillion in exchange for $21 billion in cuts.

Holt: This raising the debt ceiling was for bills that have been agreed to, not new spending

Bachman: Actually that’s not true. This money will go not just to bills that have already been spent, this will be for future money as well. That’s a false statement.

Mitchell: So here she’s saying to Lester Holt that raising the debt ceiling is to take care of future money not past money, which is not factual.

Cook: It’s not true, but on the other hand she’s not saying anything that a lot of Republican caucus attendees or primary voters would disagree with.

Mitchell: So, politically it’s fine.

Cook: Yeah, politically I think it’s fine …

if you watched the video you can see how blithely he dismissed the fact that she was lying. Indeed, he went on to highly praise her political skills.

This is part of the problem, folks.

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