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People prop

People Prop

by digby

I think this “corporations are people too” meme might have some traction. It seems that many people, logically, reject the premise.

But I think it will be an interesting case to watch develop. The right has a powerful propaganda machine and they have in the past been able to fairly easily brainwash much of the public — even Democrats — into buying their magical thinking. Think about all those people who now believe it’s really important for their own well being that the wealthy pays a lesser percentage of their income in taxes than the average working stiff — because they are “job creators.” If you can make people believe something that complicated and self-defeating, I think it’s quite possible that in a year or so when asked if corporations are people, vast numbers of Americans will simply answer “yes” no matter how absurd it sounds.

But maybe not … I’ve heard reports from people involved in local organizing for the Rebuild the American Dream project that banning “corporate personhood” rises to the top five issues. These are politically active people, to be sure, but this came before Romney made it into a national question.


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