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Foul humans

Foul humans

by digby

There are a lot of things to hate about Los Angeles. It’s sprawling, smoggy metropolis, smoggy, crowded and filled with cars. But some of us are lucky to live in a gigantic city and also have the Pacific ocean as our back yard. I walk on the beach every night to chill out from reading and writing about all this political insanity and I truly believe it’s key to keeping me from losing my mind. And one of the most uplifting events is when dolphins are leaping about in the waves or sea lions are lying on the beach catching their breath. I saw one body surf in to the shore one day and the handful of us standing there watching it all cheered spontaneously. That little piece of nature in the midst of this big city somehow balances things out for me.

And then I read something horrific like this,the worlds collide and somehow it just seems emblematic of everything that’s wrong with the world. I know this sort of thing has gone on forever, but the cruelty of it, the inexcusable need to commit such wanton violence against such a magnificent creature just makes me despair for this species. We either evolve beyond this simpleminded, id-fueled destructiveness toward other people and the creatures we share this planet with or our species is doomed.

I think I’ll pour a little libation and watch the Republican debate. I plan to take a drink every time I hear the words taxes and deficit. Should be properly cross-eyed by 6:15.


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