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Something positive to do! Call out the Vote in Wisconsin #PCCC #DFA

Something To Do

by digby

Everything sucks. Well, not everything. What’s happening in Wisconsin definitely doesn’t suck. Progressives up there are fighting hand to hand combat with the Tea Party and the Koch Brothers — and they stand a good chance of winning. But they could use your help.

Call out the vote.

Help defeat the Wisconsin Republicans!

Gov. Scott Walker and Republicans in Wisconsin have declared a war on working families.

The “recall” elections are happening this summer — it’s time to start calling voters in Wisconsin to defeat Senate Republicans and stop the war on working families!

Sign up to make calls from home to let Wisconsin voters know about Walker and his Republican allies.

That’s from the PCCC and DFA doing good work up thee in Wisconsin. If you are sick of all the negativity and you got some time on your hands, this is a very positive way to help turn the tide. Gotta start someplace.


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