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Where at least I know I’m free by David Atkins

Where at least I know I’m free
by David Atkins (“thereisnospoon”)

The trial of Hosni Mubarak has begun:

Cairo, Egypt (CNN) — Deposed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak arrived in Cairo on Wednesday for his trial on corruption and murder charges — the first Arab leader to face a judge since the uprisings started in the region this year.

Mubarak made the short trip to the Cairo police academy — the venue of the trial — in a helicopter after taking a military plane equipped with medical equipment from Sinai to Cairo.

A convoy that included an ambulance had taken Mubarak to the Sinai airport from a hospital in Sharm el-Sheikh.

The crowd went wild as the helicopter hovered over the police academy, with some running in its direction and clapping.

Hundreds of protesters gathered, with some waving flags and photos of the embattled leader. Gunfire erupted as clashes broke out between his supporters and anti-Mubarak demonstrators. The two sides chased each other, hurling rocks and bottles.

It’s a good thing we live in America where rule of law reigns supreme, as opposed to some nation in Africa or something where corruption is rampant and powerful criminals go free. America would never let former head-of-state war criminals go free just because bringing them to justice might be bad politics or lead to clashes of violence. That kind of political corruption is for banana republics, not exceptional nations with a long and rich history like ours.


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