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Portents of trouble

Portents of trouble

by digby

Pollster Celinda Lake tweeted these messages this morning:

New gallup poll shows more americans saying economy getting worse than in previous 5 months. Our focus groups echo the same.

New polls show independents rate both parties even on soc sec, but give republicans +12pt advantage on jobs. Bad formula for 2012

But Democrats are hell on deficits so that’s good. Or it would be good if anyone really gave a damn about that.

The plan is that as soon as this mess is wrapped up, there will be a big “pivot” to jobs. I’ll be curious to see what it will be, however, since they’ve just inculcated in the public the idea that the country is broke and pretty much blown whatever political will there ever was (and it wasn’t much) to do anything about anything. I think the plan must be to hope for a magical recovery and pray for a Bachman nomination. If I had to guess I’d say that we will probably see some scandal or trivia emerge soon to capture the imagination of the beltway media and provide some distraction.


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