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The Village awakens

The Village awakens

by digby

Chuck Todd tweets:

  • So I’m now convinced the Friday breakup MIGHT be more show. So far this ayem, both Boehner and Geithner have signaled the big deal is alive.

  • There’s a theory out there that claims Boehner has to do and say certain things publicly to bring his rankNfile along for a deal w/revenues

  • both Boehner and POTUS need this bigger deal; they’ve now BOTH put themselves too OUT there to NOT get big deal done

Yah think? Is he saying that this is the first time this has occurred to him?


Now it’s certainly possible that this isn’t happening. But it’s a little weird to me that the top political reporter at NBC news is just now considering it.

FWIW, Geithner also says that they will need to have Democratic votes to get this done. Pushing it up to the very edge of Armageddon is a very good way to make that happen.


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