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Death Panel

Death Panel
by David Atkins (“thereisnospoon”)

WASHINGTON — Debt ceiling negotiators think they’ve hit on a solution to address the debt ceiling impasse and the public’s unwillingness to let go of benefits such as Medicare and Social Security that have been earned over a lifetime of work: Create a new Congress.

This “Super Congress,” composed of members of both chambers and both parties, isn’t mentioned anywhere in the Constitution, but would be granted extraordinary new powers. Under a plan put forth by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and his counterpart Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), legislation to lift the debt ceiling would be accompanied by the creation of a 12-member panel made up of 12 lawmakers — six from each chamber and six from each party.

Legislation approved by the Super Congress — which some on Capitol Hill are calling the “super committee” — would then be fast-tracked through both chambers, where it couldn’t be amended by simple, regular lawmakers, who’d have the ability only to cast an up or down vote. With the weight of both leaderships behind it, a product originated by the Super Congress would have a strong chance of moving through the little Congress and quickly becoming law. A Super Congress would be less accountable than the system that exists today, and would find it easier to strip the public of popular benefits. Negotiators are currently considering cutting the mortgage deduction and tax credits for retirement savings, for instance, extremely popular policies that would be difficult to slice up using the traditional legislative process.

This probably doesn’t have a bat’s chance in hell of going anywhere. But it is a demonstration of just what sort of lengths the Village Overlords are prepared to go to, in order to strip Americans of what shreds of the safety net they have left. All so that billionaires can continue to pay their lowest tax rates in 50 years.

It will also be fascinating to see what the supposedly Constitution-obsessed Tea Party crowd has to say about this. Which will take priority for them? Cutting discretionary spending to the bone, or maintaining even a passing respect for the Constitutional rights of the U.S. Congress and the people they represent?

Actually, never mind that last question. The Bush Administration already answered it for us.


It seems this may possibly be a hoax. No confirmation yet either way. Regardless, the fact that such a thing would be remotely credible shows just how far down the rabbit hole we really are right now.

Update II from digby:
Ryan Grim at Huffington Post, who wrote the story, writes in to assure us that this is for real and I know that it is. This discussion has been out there for a while — I read about something like it last week.

They really are thinking about making the budget like the base closings — super committees and an up or down vote. It’s appalling.
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