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Grover comes over

Grover comes over

by digby
In the previous post I quoted Paul Ryan saying it was time to make a deal and pointed out that he had some clout with the Tea Party. Via Joe Conason in the National Memo, I see that he isn’t the only one. This guy has serious clout with the whole Republican party:

As Norquist told The National Memo today in an interview:“I am not an advocate or adherent of the position I have heard some state, that a default would be ‘not a big deal’ or ‘would strengthen the hand of those arguing for limited government.’ I worry that handing the executive branch control over what bills to pay is not a wise move….even when they would have less cash to spend.”Norquist went on to say that “a ‘shutdown’ or ‘default’ or ‘wobbly walk around the rim of default’ would be, as my mother would say, ‘unhelpful.’ How unhelpful? I don’t know, [and I’m] not real interested in finding out. Let’s experiment on a smaller country.”

I suspect that will mean something to enough Republicans that Boehner can cobble enough votes to get this one over the line.


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