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Today’s “death of common sense” article

Today’s “Death of Common Sense” article

by digby

From Grist:

The green movement doesn’t have much use for lawns. Yeah, they make suburban enclaves look tidy and uniform, but really, would it be so effing bad if your house had something useful — say, a vegetable garden — instead of a high-maintenance water-hog outdoor carpet? What’s the worst that could happen? Well, as Michigan woman Julie Bass discovered, if your city planner is certifiably power-crazy, you could be looking at 93 days in jail.

I don’t know if this stuff is the result of the encroaching police state, Rush Limbaugh propaganda or the prevalence of “tough love” and “zero tolerance” attitudes in our culture. (And, yes, some of this petty authoritarianism has always been present.)


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