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Petty police harassment on parade

Petty Police Harassment

by digby

Apparently police really do believe it’s an intrusion on their privacy if the public videotapes them in their public duties. In fact, they are so adamant that they will use their power to take petty revenge on anyone who challenges them:

The video below is from a Rochester, New York, neighborhood meeting in support of Emily Good, the woman arrested for videotaping a traffic stop from her front yard. So Rochester police sent four squad cars to ticket the cars of meeting attendees who parked more than 12 inches from the curb. Yes, they even brought a ruler.That’s some staggering vindictiveness, officers.By the way, due to a $50 million budget shortfall, the city of Rochester is considering cutting 27 full-time police positions. If the the cops in Rochester have time to carry out petty grudges against citizens who dare to show support for a woman who was illegally arrested, maybe the city ought to consider cutting 40 or 50 positions instead. They could start with the cops in this video.

No kidding.

Here’s the video:
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