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Saving Social security (and other frightening GOP promises.)

Saving Social Security and other scary Republican plans

by digby

Looks like Heritage is taking the Bizarroworld position in the new and improved “We must destroy Social Security in order to save it” plan.

Saving Social Security

With Social Security on a steep descent to $6.5 trillion in unfunded obligations during the next 75 years, Senator Hutchison’s Defend and Save Social Security Act would secure the future of the program without raising taxes or cutting core benefits. Under current law, retirees’ monthly benefits would be cut nearly one-fourth, beginning in 2036. Hutchison’s plan would ensure Social Security’s solvency by gradually increasing the retirement age (over 16 years) to 69 and instituting a modest one percent reduction in the annual cost-of-living adjustment.

Hutchison’s plan involves common-sense, gradual reform that strengthens Social Security for current and future retirees.

It’s so interesting to see these Republicans so concerned about “Saving Social Security.” Here I thought it was a Ponzi scheme…

Anyone with half a lick of sense will be skeptical of a political party that has pledged to destroy the program since its inception. But they’re counting on the fact that a rather large number of people don’t have half a lick of sense (also known as the Republican base.)


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