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Tweaking the lizard brain

Tweaking the lizard brain

by digby

I don’t think it can get any more offensive than this, but I’m sure they’ll be trying hard to top it over the next year and a half:

TPM reports:

The spot is produced by Ladd Ehlinger, Jr., best known for his wildly popular Dale “Don’t Give A Rip” Peterson campaign video in the 2010 race for Alabama secretary of agriculture. Turn Right USA, the sponsor, is a brand new political action committee which only filed its paperwork with the Federal Election Commission on Monday. The paperwork indicates that Turn Right USA intends to operate as a so-called “super PAC,” capable of raising funds in unlimited amount, but will not use those funds to directly support federal candidates or committees. Claude Todoroff serves as treasurer for the group, which is based in Gardena, Calif. G. Rick Marshall serves as the group’s designated agent.

I’m fairly sure Todoroff this guy, but it would be a fair guess that he’s not the brains or cash behind the group.

This ad is designed to create controversy, of course, and will succeed in doing that. But there’s a reason for it beyond just pissing off liberals. These kinds of ads are also designed to ooze certain primal impulses into the atmosphere. I would guess a lot of right wingers are going to enjoy it. It speaks directly to their lizard brains. And it reinforces certain tribal bonds, which seems to be this ad maker’s specialty.


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