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Alan Simpson: He’s just an old country aristocrat, not a miracle worker

He’s just an old country aristocrat

by digby

David Swanson has posted a blockbuster piece about a panel he attended featuring Alan Simpson, David Walker, Larry Sabato and Dean Baker on the subject of the debt and the economy. He notes Sabato’s fuzzy-wuzzy affection toward Simpson, a common occurrence among Villagers — they love to portray his countrified aristocratic misanthropy as Real American folk wisdom and pretend that means that even the plebes agree that class warfare only runs one way:

There were more questions from the audience, but Simpson addressed himself to me when he explained what was wrong with taxing wealthy people. We have to get away from talking about the rich versus the poor, he said. For one thing, when you talk about who’s responsible for something, the commission you’re working on can’t come to any agreement. The Iraq Study Group, for example, had to set aside who was to blame in order to propose what should be done. (Of course, most of us don’t spend our lives serving on bipartisan commissions, and taxing the rich is as forward looking a concept as any other; blaming the rich was a straw man Simpson created.)

See, we can’t get anything done if wealthy and powerful people are held accountable for their crimes (unless it involves unsanctioned fellatio, of course.) He’s just being pragmatic. It’s just a plain fact that Very Important People will be Very Seriously Upset if they and theirs are forced to pay and that means they won’t let our allegedly democratic government do its job. Surely you can understand the problem.

Swanson got footage of the event and I highly recommend that you take a look at it when you get a chance. Apparently, Baker was there to give the others a break from their mutual snogging since nobody seemed to pay any attention to the fact that he vehemently disagreed with everything they were saying. (Village consensus means never having to listen to anyone who doesn’t validate your biases.) Everything he says is true and important.

Be sure to also click over to the link to read Swanson’s full account and see some classic footage of Simpson being an ass. He’s all for cutting defense — and by that he means cutting funding for the Veterans Administration. Seriously.


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