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The Frontrunner

The Frontrunner

by digby

Here’s the latest on the GOP field:

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee would go toe-to-toe with President Obama if he sought the presidency in 2012, according to a new Fairleigh Dickinson University survey. Among registered voters nationwide, 46 percent said they’d vote for Huckabee and the same number would re-elect the president.

That’s good. I think Huckabee would be a terrific president. In hell.

Huckabee has just been caught on video, at a Christian supremacist conference, stating that Americans should be forcibly indoctrinated at gunpoint. The organization which hosted the “Rediscover God In America” conference, United in Purpose, has edited Huckabee’s comment from footage of his speech, but not before People For The American Way’s Kyle Mantyla captured the unedited footage, in which Mike Huckabee states, “I almost wish that there would be, like, a simultaneous telecast, and all Americans would be forced–forced at gunpoint no less–to listen to every David Barton message, and I think our country would be better for it. I wish it’d happen.”

If you read this blog you are familiar with David Barton. So are all the Tea partiers who think of Barton as the Commander in chief of Glenn Beck’s Black Robed regiment. He is not just a socially conservative preacher. He’s a full blown propagandist who’s created an alternative history of the United States. It’s not a good one.

He’s a very dangerous man. And so, apparently, is Mike Huckabee.


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