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Alert the media: the American people aren’t completely stupid after all

Alert the media

by digby

Americans have decided that Fox News isn’t a reliable source:

In the space of one year, Fox News has lost its perch as the most trusted TV news network in the US and is now average at best, a new survey has found.

A poll gauging public trust in TV news has found that PBS is the most trusted name in news, while trust in Fox News has dropped significantly.

According to a survey from Public Policy Polling, “a year ago a plurality of Americans said they trusted Fox News. Now a plurality of them don’t.”

In a survey taken a year ago, PPP found that Fox was the most trusted news network, with 49 percent saying they trusted the network, and 37 percent saying they did not. In the new poll, 42 percent said they trusted the network while 46 percent disagreed.

PPP notes that trust in the network declined only marginally among conservatives, from 75 percent to 72 percent. “But moderates and liberals have both had a strong increase in their level of distrust for the network — a 12-point gain from 48 percent to 60 percent for moderates and a 16-point gain from 66 percent to 82 percent for liberals,” the institute reported.

What was the tip off, do you suppose?

I know who this guy (Van Jones) is. He’s a communist revolutionary. A guy who pined for the days of Stalin, the Iron Curtain went down. Something is wrong there.

Well, it really bothered me until recently when I started looking into all the George Soros connections and the size and the scope of his reach.

And let me tell you something — I said to you, read up on George Soros. There is plenty of ways to read about him. These are all books about George Soros, many of them written by him. So, there is no shortage of information. Read them. Read them.

The comment doesn’t bother me anymore, I understand what it means. And that’s why that comment now frightens me. And I will put it in perspective tonight and tomorrow. Pull back the curtain and reveal what that actually means and it will terrify you.

There are a couple of other things that you’ll understand. First of all, in 2003, Soros and a partner funded the new $5 million liberal group Well,, what exactly is that?

Well, you remember it. This is the group that originally called General Petraeus, “General Betray Us.” It was despicable.

Well, who had they tapped for the executive director of This guy, Zack Exley. I’ve never heard of him before. Do you know who he is?

Well, he previously had trained activists for the anarchist group, the Raucous Society. These are the riots in Seattle helped orchestrated by this guy — more on that in just a minute.

Oh, by the way, he’s also a blogger for The Huffington Post, which is interesting because The Huffington Post gets money from George Soros. Oh, and he’s also a fellow with the George Soros Open Society Institute.

Violent radicals. Oh, and by the way, it’s just not that phrase that came — George Soros has been following him as he originally funded the Ella Baker Society, or the Center for Human Rights. And then, of course, he was on the Apollo Alliance. And then, when he got fired from the White House, he went to Center for American Progress, which is also funded by George Soros. Radicals. Radicals.

(And who the hell are the moderates and liberals who didn’t know Fox News was nuts until this year?)


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