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It’s time to raise hell on Social Security, folks

Time To Raise Hell

by digby

This is important guys. As anyone who reads this blog regularly knows, despite what many people insist isn’t true and what vast majorities of the public want, Social security is on the chopping block in this congress. The first salvo was the failed deficit commission. The next is coming up in the budget negotiations. We’ve got people on both sides of the aisle desperate to do this thing to “prove” they are able to harshly cut spending — 30 years from now — in some quixotic attempt to make the markets magically fix everything that’s wrong with the economy. It’s a form of mass delusion, but it has become a matter of conventional wisdom among our ruling elite.

But they aren’t unopposed. is organizing to push back and they are asking for your help.

Call Congress on Tuesday and Wednesday!

We need you to call your Senators and demand that they vote for the Sanders/Reid Social Security Protection Amendment.

Senator Sanders and Majority Leader Reid are leading the fight in the Senate to protect Social Security from drastic cuts.

Their amendment simply says:

Social Security benefits for current and future beneficiaries should not be cut and Social Security should not be privatized as part of any legislation to reduce the Federal deficit.

Call your Senators at 866-251-4044. You’ll be given a choice of which of your state’s two senators to be connected with. Call BOTH if you have the time. It only takes a minute each.

Tell the person who answers the phone:

I am a voter/constituent living in [your state]. I am calling to tell the Senator:
I oppose all cuts to Social Security and
I urge them to vote yes on the Sanders/Reid Social Security Protection Amendment.

Please take the time for this very important effort. This is for all of us who depend on Social Security.

Call Tuesday and Wednesday: 866-251-4044.


Stay involved, the threat to Social Security continues. Please click to stay involved in the fight.

This sort of thing can work. Remember that right wing radio single handedly stopped comprehensive immigration reform by mobilizing their listeners to call Washington and raise hell.

Liberals can raise hell too.

* Numbers fixed

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