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The logic of the alert alaskan

The Logic of the Alert Alaskan

by digby

Now this is just funny:

The former GOP vice presidential candidate was being interviewed on February 23rd on national television by Sean Hannity on a range of issues. On the Libya crisis, she proposed a no-fly zone to protect the armed and un-armed opposition to the Qaddafi regime. Mrs. Palin’s formulation had been blogged about for nearly a week when it was echoed by the man who, before the Iraq war, had led the Iraq democratic movement in exile, Ahmed Chalabi.

Now that’s an endorsement worth having.

It goes on to correctly point out that many of the problems in the middle east are a result of US energy policy but let’s just say that Palin doesn’t havewhat you’d call a sophisticated grasp of how to deal with it:

In a critique of Mr. Obama’s energy policies published yesterday at about the same time the Arab League was adopting her prescription for a Libya no-fly zone, Mrs. Palin laid out how the president’s “war on domestic oil and gas exploration and production has caused us pain at the pump, endangered our already sluggish economic recovery, and threatened our national security.” Nor is Gov. Palin’s insight into complex international issues limited to areas of her immediate expertise.

Yeah, he said “expertise”. It goes on to glowingly report that Palin criticized Obama’s Israeli policies and perspicaciously predicted that “more and more people will be flocking to Israel.” Then he praises her speech called “What America Means to Me” at the “annual India Today Conclave”:

More broadly, Mrs. Palin’s address in India will be another step in the growing outline of what might be called The Palin Doctrine. It contrasts sharply with the foreign policy being conducted, if that is the word, by President Obama, who is perplexing not only the Arab world, to which he reached out in his Cairo speech at the start of his presidency, but even his own supporters in the liberal camp, and many in between, who are upset by what might be called his propensity for inaction. It’s an inaction that suggests the Arab League won’t be the only institution that might find itself surprised by the logic of the alert Alaskan.

Is there anyone on the planet who isn’t surprised (perhaps stunned and shocked) at the “logic” of the alert Alaskan?

I may be a little bit cynical about the motives of American foreign policy, but I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the idea of a Palin Doctrine which apparently consists of doing the opposite of whatever she thinks Obama does and screaming bomb, bomb, bomb and drill, baby,drill. You have to wonder how she’s going to react now that he’s signed on to “her advice” on the no-fly zone.

Actually, when you think about it, it’s pretty standard GOP foreign policy boiler plate …


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