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Unexpected Good News

Unexpected Good News

by digby

I think we are overdue for some good news and this certainly qualifies. Dday reports:

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, just two months from the tragic shooting in Tuscon where she suffered a bullet wound to the head, is doing so well in rehabilitation in Houston, Texas, that she may attend the shuttle launch of her husband, Mark Kelly, on April 19. Giffords’ doctors, who held a news conference Friday, said that the patient can speak in complete sentences, and is improving tangibly with each passing day. She is able to walk with some assistance. Giffords has no memory of the shooting itself, but doctors described that as normal. Nobody yet knows how long the rehabilitation process will last. But considering the injury sustained – a full bullet wound through the left side of her head, causing trauma in the left hemisphere of the brain – her doctors are simply transfixed by Giffords’ achievements thus far.

This is a testament to modern medicine, luck and whatever else you want to call a miraculous outcome. The world is crazy right now. It’s good to hear some good news.


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