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Republicans bring the hammer down on Lugar

They Must Have Pictures

by digby

I guess Lugar is going to sell his soul to the Tea party, just like John McCain. Too bad.

Imagine this happening with Ben Nelson:

Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.), who faces a Tea Party-backed challenge in his 2012 primary, has withdrawn his stated opposition to House-passed spending cuts.

Lugar said Tuesday afternoon that he made a mistake when he told reporters earlier in the day that he would oppose H.R. 1, the House GOP plan to cut an additional $57 billion from the 2011 budget.

“I’m going to vote with the Republicans on the issue when H.R. 1 comes up,” Lugar said. “If it’s strictly an affirmative vote, I will be for H.R. 1 because all the Republicans will be voting for H.R. 1.”
Slightly more than an hour earlier in the day, Lugar told reporters that he would oppose the House bill as he walked into a weekly lunch meeting with Republican colleagues.

Yeah, I knew you couldn’t. This never happens with Democrats. Even if they bring every bit of pressure to bear, they always throw in some gratuitous smack at the base just so the “centrist” can save face. The Republicans don’t work that way.

GEARY: I passed out.

[He stands up and moves over the bed where we see a bloody dead girl.]

I — I’ll fix it.

[He unties the girl’s hand from the bed post.]

Just a game.

[He takes a towel and begins to wipe up the blood that is all over her. He looks at the towel and wipes off his hands.]

Jesus, Jesus.

[He begins to cry. As he does, TOM looks over at NERI who is wiping his hands in the bathroom.]

Jesus, God — Oh, God. I don’t know — and I can’t understand — why I can’t remember.

TOM: You don’t have to remember — just do as I say. We’re putting a call into your office — explain that you’ll be there tomorrow afternoon — you decided to spend the night at Michael Corleone’s house in Tahoe — as his guest.

GEARY: I do remember that she was laughing…we’d done it before — and I know that I couldn’t’ve hurt — that girl

TOM: This girl has no family — nobody knows that she worked here. It’ll be as if she never existed. All that’s left is our friendship.


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