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Fingers crossed …

Fingers Crossed

by digby

Don’t get your hopes up yet, but Greg Sargent reports:

I don’t know if these reports are true or not, and we should treat them with caution. But we now have two news outlets, one local and one national, claiming GOP defections from Governor Scott Walker may be in the works. The Wall Street Journal reports:

Conservatives in Wisconsin are getting nervous that three Republican state senators may defect on the collective-bargaining reform vote. It’s still anyone’s guess as to when that vote will take place because Democrats remain in exile to prevent the necessary quorum. But Republicans in the Senate hold a 19-14 majority, so GOP Gov. Scott Walker can afford to lose no more than two Republican senators on this pivotal vote. On Wednesday, Republicans held a “unity” press conference that was attended by all but one senator, Dale Schultz. But a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll showing that 62% of respondents oppose curtailing collective-bargaining rights for public-sector workers over health care, pensions or other benefits suggests that the GOP position may be losing some support among independent voters.

Separately, WEAU, an NBC affiliate in Wisconsin, reports that “four moderate Republicans are wavering and could break with the GOP and vote against Walker’s budget repair bill.”

I don’t want to jinx it by analyzing what that means unless it actually happens. let’s just say for now that it would be very, very good.


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