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Who’s Having The Kookiest Public Meltdown?

by digby

I knew that the world was in one of its manic states last night when I watched back to back interviews with Charlie Sheen and Qaddafi. I was completely sober but felt dizzy and disoriented at the end. If you too had that hallucinogenic experience you might be qualified to takeNew York Magazine’s new game: It’s Time to Play ‘Sheen, Beck, or Qaddafi?’:

Clearly, February was a peerless month in the history of unhinged rants. Between Charlie Sheen, Glenn Beck, and Muammar Qaddafi, it was difficult just to keep track of who was saying which unintelligible thing at any given time. Really difficult, in fact. To demonstrate just what a struggle it is to distinguish between the mad ramblings of an entertainer, a despot, and a newsman another entertainer, we’ve put together this quiz. If you get them all right, you are some kind of savant.

I got ten right which proves, once again, that I really need to get a life.


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