They Can’t Admit Error
by digby
With Andrew Breitbart’s protégé back in the news this week for allegedly having no common sense, it’s important that reporters be accurate about James O’Keefe’s most infamous claim to fame and remember that he was not dressed up as a pimp, nor did he ever “pose” as a pimp, when he entered ACORN offices last year and unwittingly taped its employees. That, thanks to the art of deceptive editing, was a con O’Keefe and Breitbart pulled over on the press. But that hoax was exposed and there’s no reason why reporters today should give O’Keefe credit for something he concocted.
I think they believe it doesn’t matter. The truthiness is that silly black ladies at ACORN embarrassed themselves and that’s that.
As someone wryly observed on twitter the other night, O’Keefe’s big t mistake was to stop targeting black people. His boss Breitbart won’t make that mistake.