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Stupid or Evil? Both, I’m afraid

Stupid Or Evil?

by digby

At times like these only comedy can adequately explain what’s going on:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
The Parent Company Trap
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

Think Progress reports:

Prince Alwaleed has grown close with the Murdoch enterprise, recently endorsing James Murdoch to succeed his father and creating a content-sharing agreement with Fox News for his own media conglomerate, Rotana. As irony would have it, the Arab News just published this picture today of Prince Alwaleed meeting with News Corp executives to discuss how to “further strengthen the strategic corporate alliance between Rotana and News Corp”:

As Eric Cantor would say: “Come on!”

*I didn’t see this segment until after I had written the previous post, but it certainly does fit the theme. I vote for evil rocks with mouths.


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