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Jack Cafferty asks if people think “Muslims” bought themselves problems by insisting on mosque

They Were Asking For It

by digby

Jack Cafferty just asked the question:

Are Muslims buying themselves unnecessary problems by insisting on building a mosque near Ground Zero in New York?

This is a familiar refrain going way back. I recall Breitbart recently saying that John Lewis and Emmanuel Cleaver were looking to “provoke” the teabaggers by walking through the crowd. You know how these you-know-whats are. They’re always trying to trap racists and xenophobes into doing something racist and xenophobic. And then they get all mad and stuff.

This is why ghettoes and camps are so practical in these situations. It keeps the hated people from asking for trouble by walking among those who hate them. When you think about it, it’s really doing them a favor.

And by all means when genocidal maniacs start shrieking, you should immediately retreat and let them have their way. Isn’t that what the Churchill worshipping conservative patriots have been preaching for the past 50 years? Plus religious freedom, of course. That too.


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