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Tea Party Clown Show, Florida Edition

Don’t Bother, They’re Here

by digby

Howie has a hilarious post up today about the Tea Party clown show down in Florida. Here’s an excerpt:

Glenn Beck, in fact, adopted the Orlando, Florida Tea Party as a kind of pet project talking about in constantly in late March of 2009 and urging whatever ambulatory viewers he has to attend. As with anything Beck touches, though, the Orlando Tea Party has turned into a complete disaster and is now embroiled in law suits and squabbles between factions and at least a good part of it has been taken over by the corrupt political hacks inside the Tallahassee Republican Party. Last night I got a media alert from John Hallman, the Executive Director of the (official) Florida Tea Party denouncing the Republican Party version as a fraud and a scam and pointing out their congressional candidate forum Thursday as a way of fleecing clueless Glenn Beck viewers. Unlike other recent teabagger vs teabagger brawls, this one didn’t result in any fistfights or violence, but it is leaving conservatives dazed and confused about which tea party is legitimate and which one is just a GOP front.

Read the whole thing. The Republicans are suing each other for the name, others are claiming the Democrats are engineering it, it’s a moronic free-for-all.

Howie concludes with this:

Here’s the official Tea Party of Florida candidate, Peg Dunmire, running against both Alan Grayson, who she swamped 72-28% in the Winter Park Chamber of Commerce straw poll, and whichever crook the Tallahassee Republicans embrace, likely Daniel Webster:

Maybe this would be a good time to get Grayson’s back. We’re getting very close to our goal for 2010.

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