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Your Daily Grayson

Your Daily Grayson

by digby

Oh my Goodness. It looks like Alan Grayson has ruffled the Politico’s feathers:

Dear Friend,

The media follows the golden rule. He who has the gold makes the rules.

With that in mind, let’s ask a question. What do Boeing, AT&T, America’s Natural Gas Alliance, CTIA, McDonald’s, and Goldman Sachs have in common?

They are all advertisers in Friday’s issue of the Politico, the insider political magazine that controls much of the dialogue in Washington, DC. And that’s just one day’s issue. In fact, for the last year, the back page of the Politico has been occupied by a full-page Goldman Sachs advertisement. That’s a direct revenue flow of thousands of dollars from Goldman Sachs to the magazine most politicians in DC rely on for political gossip.

Interestingly enough, here are the last six headlines from the Politico on me.

Dems accused of tea party tampering
GOP foe sues Grayson over DVD
Kelly: Grayson may want troops to die
Who’s not on the DCCC list
The Age of Rage
No repeat blockbuster for Grayson

Every single headline is meant to damage me, to gin up pseudo-scandals or keep them going. We recognize this. It’s what the media did to Bill Clinton, to Barack Obama, to Al Gore, to Michael Moore, and really, to anyone who is either a Democrat or puts forward the concept that America should be run for the benefit of the people and not the corporations.

On August 23, we’re going to show them what people power can do — my campaign is launching a moneybomb, and I need you to be a part of it.

Please contribute $25 or more now for the moneybomb.


Alan Grayson

They aren’t pleased.

I don’t know if Politico is working on behalf of its advertisers, but it certainly works on behalf of the Village, which lives on corporate largess and always loathes anyone who comes in and “trashes the place.”

Update: Grayson was just on MSNBC and ripped into Robert Gibbs for being a lousy spokesman, failing to properly convey the accomplishments of the Democratic congress and then blaming the left for the failure. He has a point. Gibbs has never been my favorite administration spokesman. I always prefer Axelrod, who conveys a sense of idealism and purpose, while Gibbs has always seemed a little bit too glib and clever for these times.

From the sound of Gibbs’s comments this morning, I’m fairly sure he wasn’t speaking out of school yesterday. They’re working the refs. I would guess they see some evidence of creeping Maddowism among the Village cognoscenti and the big liberal donors. I would also guess that it’s going to have some effect, at least in the short term. Certainly people like Ruth Marcus will be well rewarded for drawing the proper lines.


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