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Cultured Tea Party

Cultured Tea Party

by digby

Wolf Blitzer just interviewed Lindsay Graham about his absurd 14th amendment position. He explained that when he talks about “them coming over the border to drop babies” he’s really referring to wealthy Chinese industrialists who come over to birthing resorts. He danced around it quite nicely saying that he just wants make sure we don’t ever have this problem again. (I’m fairly well convinced that the only way to truly solve this problem once and for all is that instead of full body scans, all women must be required to take a gynecological exam and pregnancy test as part of TSA screening. Look for it in the 2012 GOP platform.)

I don’t know why Huckleberry thinks that delivering a big, slurpy wet kiss to the Teabaggers with his “baby dropping” rhetoric is going to do him any good, but he’s deluded if he thinks so:

In recent months, Graham has been censured by GOP party committees in Lexington and Charleston counties. On Monday, the Greenville GOP Executive Committee passed a censure resolution by a vote of 61-2.

“THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Greenville County Republican Party hereby issues this formal rebuke of Senator Graham for his cooperation and support of President Obama and the Democratic Party’s liberal agenda for the United States,” the resolution reads.

The resolution says Graham will no longer be invited to participate in meetings or other events sponsored by the Greenville County Republican Party, and alleges Graham has “abandoned the Republican platform.”

He seems to think he can turn this back with some down home racist rhetoric implying that immigrants are farm animals. But there’s no guarantee. After all, his alleged abandonment of the Republican platform is likely less political than it is “cultural” if you know what I mean.

Meanwhile over on Hardball, Matthews had both David Gregory and Chuck Todd shaking their heads over why the Republicans would be doing this sort of thing. After all, they agreed, the Tea Party doesn’t care about issues like gay rights or race or any of these unpleasant culture war issues — they care about economics. So why on earth would the GOP think it’s a good idea to talk about these divisive culture war issues at a time like this?

They really are clueless aren’t they?


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