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Huckleberry shows his supremacist bonafides: “they come here to drop a baby”

Dropping Babies

by digby

Good God. I had missed Huckleberry Graham’s specific language in his comments about repealing the 14th amendment. He said “they come here to drop a baby” as if they’re farm animals. And he delivered it with his patented dead-eyed reptilian stare and sneering drawl.

What an asshole. I doubt it will make up for his apostasy on the Tea Party, but it might appease the mainstream Republicans in South Carolina for whom white supremacy is their greatest tribal identifier.

A reader sent in this BBC report about global warming causing more Mexican migration with the wry observation that it might make the right believe in climate change. It would be pretty to think so, but considering the kind of rhetoric we are now hearing from political leaders I think it would be far more likely that we would simply declare war on Mexico — and the weather.


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