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Legacy — thinking of LBJ


by digby

I’m afraid that Garry Wills is right:

Most presidents start wondering—or, more often, worrying—about their “legacy” well into their first term. Or, if they have a second term, they worry even more feverishly about what posterity will think of them. Obama need not wonder about his legacy, even this early. It is already fixed, and in one word: Afghanistan. He took on what he made America’s longest war and what may turn out to be its most disastrous one.

“The Good War” meme was a self-laid trap for all Democrats, who consistently fight the last war for fear of being called wimps. This dynamic has caused more grief at the hands of the US than any other.

By the way, in case you haven’t heard, the congress passed yet another “emergency” war supplemental last night. After listening to a bunch of tripe for weeks about having to offset costs to extend unemployment benefits, and watching teachers all over the country be fired for lack of funds, that vote may be the single most illustrative move we’ve seen yet to illustrate that the fall of Rome comparisons are not as far fetched as we like to think.

I had an interesting conversation on the plan last week with someone who said that he thought all politics was a waste of time because both sides were just playing games and had no principles. He used as an example the fact that Democrats are for the war now that Obama’s running it. And I had no argument.

Read the whole item by Wills. It’s short and very interesting. He even takes a shot at Jonathan Alter.

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