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The Long Hot Summer — Anti-Muslim rhetoric on the rise too

They Aren’t Even Trying To Hide It

by digby

Considering the open fearmongering of that video, I guess this is probably only going to get worse:

Opposition to the construction of mosques has skyrocketed in cities and towns across the country, scholars and advocates of Muslim culture tell The Upshot.

Public protests against three planned mosques have made news in the past week: Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin joined others in opposition to the building of a mosque a few blocks from the World Trade Center site. Hundreds demonstrated against a proposed mosque in a small town in Tennessee (pictured above). And the some residents of Temecula, California are opposing the local Muslim community’s plan to build a bigger mosque, saying it could become a hotbed of radical Islam.

Professor Akbar Ahmed, the Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies at American University’s School of International Service, is not surprised by the recent spate of public protests. He spent last year traveling to more than 100 mosques in 75 U.S. cities with a team of researchers, and concluded that opposition to mosques, including some attacks on them, is on the rise and is spreading.

“Everywhere there’s a mosque, there’s a tension now,” Ahmed said.

Bush did a good job of keeping the lid on the natural right wing impulse to do this. With Republicans out of office it was always going to explode in one way or the other. It looks like it’s happening.


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