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Li’l Luke came up by his bootstraps — five minutes ago.

Up From The Bottom

by digby

Here’s astirring story of American meritocracy :

Luke Russert, son of Tim Russert, the “Meet the Press” host who died in 2008, was an intern at City Hall during summer 2007. In an interview, Mr. Russert said that he juggled two internships that summer — one at the mayor’s office, the other at NBC, working forConan O’Brien.

Mr. Russert, then a senior at Boston College, worked for Deputy Mayor Kevin Sheekey, who befriended his father after both worked for Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Mr. Russert researched gun-control positions of Republican lawmakers who wanted to meet with Mr. Bloomberg. “It was really worthwhile,” he said. “It was not just opening letters and getting coffee.”

Asked what role his connections played in landing the job, he said: “I don’t really know about that. I went through the application process like anyone else.

h/t to ms

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