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‘Night John Boy — Unemployment’s not an emergency if you’re rich

‘Night John Boy

by digby

It’s not an emergency if you’re rich:

‘We think it’s an emergency,’ and it isn’t,” Bunning said in an interview last week. “The debate has changed only to the point that my side, all of a sudden now, has gotten religion. It isn’t a question of the worthiness of the unemployment benefit; it’s a question of adding it to the debt that my grandkid gets stuck with.”

It’s not an emergency for millionaire baseball players, true. But for some people it really is an emergency when they have no money coming in at all and no job prospects.

I have an idea. How about we “find offsets” for the wars first, so Bunning’s grandkids don’t get stuck with those bills. Orhow about we ask the millionaires to kick in so Bunning’s grandkids don’t get stuck with the bills?

And can someone tell me why, with all the great concern for everybody’s grandkids, that Republicans are hellbent on sticking them with the care and feeding of their grandparents once they destroy social security to pay for the wars and the millionaires’ tax cuts? I guess they really think that the Great Depression were good times. Just like The Waltons.

This is serious business and these people are playing cheap political games. And people all over the country are being affected. One of our friends, and a longtime friend of this blog, is one of them: Activist Susie Madrak is one of “the 99ers” whose unemployment has run out. It’s not an abstract question to her and all the others who are caught in this bind. It’s a very real emergency.

Like many 99ers, she still works every day — she’s just not getting much money for doing it. Blogging isn’t exactly a high paying job and full time jobs are just not there. So she’s holding a summer fundraiser. If you can afford it, a few bucks would go a long way to getting her over the hump.

The Republicans are telling us that we’re on our own. So in the short run we need to pull together and in the long run we need to convince the country to “refudiate” the sick, immoral ideology that encourages the Randian selfishness at the heart of the modern conservative movement. Susie’s one of the people who’ve been fighting that good fight for a long time.

Susie Madrak Summer Fundraiser.


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