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DC’s oracle is a Very Serious Person

Very Bad News

by digby

Dana Milbank says Charlie Cook is DC’s Oracle of Delphi:

July 17, 2010

Every week seems to bring a new poll with gloomy news for President Obama, as well as for congressional Democrats who are desperately trying to hold on to control of the House and starting to break a sweat about their majority in the Senate. Things are bad enough that even White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs conceded on NBC’s Meet the Press,”There’s no doubt there are enough seats in play that could cause Republicans to gain control.”

July 21, 2004

given the fact that well-known incumbents with a defined record rarely get many undecided voters — a quarter to a third at an absolute maximum — an incumbent in a very stable race essentially tied at 45 percent was actually anything but in an even-money situation…

The point is that this race has settled into a place that is not at all good for an incumbent, is remarkably stable, and one that is terrifying many Republican lawmakers, operatives and activists. But in a typically Republican fashion, they are too polite and disciplined to talk about it much publicly.


Just saying …


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