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We shall overcome — FoxNews takes on the scourge of (black) racism

We Shall Overcome

by digby

Fox news is very upset about racism:

Except when it isn’t:

Neiwert has the whole story, which explains that the New Black Panther party has been designated a hate group for some time by the SPLC, but points out that contrary to Beck’s comparison to the KKK, it has had zero success at recruiting or voter intimidation, while the KKK, well, we know that history. (If not, click the link.)

These guys are obviously racist asses. But as Neiwert observes there were a whole slew of racist vote intimidation cases that were dropped by the Bush administration. Of course those were of the more common “traditional” kind, which the Ashcroft and Gonzales DOJ civil rights division didn’t think were worth pursuing. The only racism the right recognizes is that which is perpetrated by the minority toward the majority. Whites, after all, have been historically sorely victimized in this country so special attention must be paid, even on a symbolic level.


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