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Greedy waitresses are destroying the economy

Traitorous Waitresses

by digby

Who says the Republicans have no ideas?

[Minnesota]Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer rekindled a smoldering debate Monday when he said minimum-wage workers who earn tips should have their wages reduced.

Minnesota is one of seven states that forbids employers from using a “tip credit” to avoid paying the full minimum wage otherwise required by law. The prohibition unfairly
burdens restaurants and small business owners and makes prices higher for consumers, and it should be ended, Emmer said.

“We want to make sure that everybody’s successful. Not just the employees, but the people who want to enjoy our restaurants,” Emmer said. “The employees can’t survive — they can’t take home the money they want to — if there aren’t customers, and, more importantly, if the owners … can’t provide the jobs.”

Absolutely. It’s terribly unfair for those greedy super-successful waitresses to be taking more than fair share. In fact if all retail and customer service workers would agree to just work for tips, we could turn this country around in a jiffy. Except, of course, all those people who would have below subsistence level income might not be able to eat in restaurants, but I’m sure the owners could make up for it by allowing them to work for food. Everybody wins!

h/t to POS

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